Well Done everyone for working so hard on the music videos. I have to say the attention to detail and the commitment to producing a professional looking project were good to see. The videos this year are of a very high standard, making my job as assessor very difficult!
I know you are keen to know marks ASAP, but please be aware that as this is coursework, I will need to be careful and mark as accurately as possible. Therefore, it is likely to be at least two weeks before I can give marks back to you.
In the meantime, you have an evaluative presentation to create. The deadline for which is the 4th March.
Looking longer term... We have postmodernism to consider and then a return to Questions 1a and 1b.
Please do look again at the advice given to you in the handout entitled 'getting an A grade' - you need to be putting together those sheets on skills and concepts. This is vital if you are expecting to do well in the exam.